Изучение немецкого в центре Leon — новый интересный опыт

I have been leaning german level a1 with Mrs Ekaterina polinskaya and it has been a great experience . She is a very thoughtful teacher who puts a lot of thought into how she presents the material. Her lessons were engaging, useful, and she was very patient with everyone in class always encouraging us to try. Also the website we used to study was very effective and helped us a lot improving out skills . I would highly recommend the teacher and the center to anyone who is interested in learning german fast yet effectively .

Курсы и обучение — в каталоге Vitebsk.biz — прим. ред.

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1 комментарий
Николай Зуев
23 августа 2022 в 18:07
Noch einmal, aber auf Deutsch, bitte...)))